04 December 1997

McConnell calls for town centre improvement plan

Delivery vehicles who visit Antrim’s commercial heartland should be restricted to different times of the day, South Antrim Alliance Councillor Brian McConnell has claimed.

Councillor McConnell, who was speaking at an Antrim Borough Council meeting with Environment Minister Lord Dubs last Wednesday, proposed a 10.30am delivery time on all goods vehicles visiting the town centre.

Mr. McConnell welcomed the Environment’s Minister’s views on public transport in Antrim, but said that shoppers were becoming increasingly concerned with the influx of heavy goods vehicles.

Councillor McConnell said: “I think the Minister should use his influence and persuade the Department of the Environment to look closely at the issue of public transport - particularly in relation to Antrim Town centre.

“We have a huge lorries in the town centre every day and more and more motorists are finding it increasingly difficult to gain access to the town - especially the town’s disabled drivers.

“I think the town needs support on this issue from the Minister and I don’t think it’s unrealistic for the DoE to allocate certain time limits for the delivery of retail and commercial goods.

“Overall, I believe this step would be a major boost to Antrim’s town centre and public transport system.”