09 December 1997

Dickson welcomes BMA report

The Alliance Party’s new Health and Social Services spokesman, Alderman Stewart Dickson, has welcomed the British Medical Association’s detailed analysis of the Northern Ireland health service.

The Carrickfergus Councillor said the report, which claims that half of Northern Ireland’s trusts to do not have enough beds to cope with emergencies, highlights the “genuine” concern facing the province’s health service.

Alderman Dickson also welcomed the report’s call for the Government to take swift action - especially in relation to the number of hospital beds being blocked by patients who cannot leave hospital because of inadequate after-care.

Alderman Dickson continued: “As the new Health and Social Services spokesman for the Alliance Party, I would welcome any survey into the workings of the province’s health service.

“I think it confirms the concern that people have into the current state of our health service - especially in relation to the number of beds being blocked by people who have to wait on the Social Services.

“The survey makes us aware that there are people in hospital due to lack of home help services and other community support services and I think that this is a very worrying trend.

“I also believe that we urgently need an acute hospital services review by the Department of Health so that we can judge what the Government is saying alongside the yesterday’s damming report from the BMA.”