12 December 1997

Alliance respond to Harbour Commission crisis

Belfast Alliance Councillor Tom Campbell has urged Environment Minister Lord Dubs to resolve the very unsatisfactory situation regarding the appointment of Belfast City Councils nominee to the Harbour Commission.

Mr Campbell said:

“I was advised some days ago on good authority that the Minister had taken the decision not to approve my nomination to the Harbour Commission. I have been telephoned by journalists about this and have yet to receive any formal written communication regarding it. I did receive a telephone call yesterday afternoon from the Ministers Private Office to advise that, contrary to earlier suggestions, the Minister has not yet made his decision. I believe this is a very unsatisfactory situation that Government Policy should apparently be driven by the rumour mill. I would remind the Minister that the Council’s nominee was elected by twenty five votes to eighteen. It may be that Sinn Fein have made representations, but this is a party unused to democracy and to accepting decisions arrived at on a democratic basis.”