15 January 2003

Community relations problems must be addressed, not buried! Bell

The Alliance Party has launched a new policy paper on Community Relations entitled Building a United Community.

Alliance Deputy Leader Eileen Bell said: “The healing of our communal divisions must be the greatest priority for our political institutions.

“Sectarianism and segregation remain major scars on Northern Ireland, and have even intensified in recent years. They are responsible for tremendous human, social and economic costs to our society. Indeed, continued divisions pose a constant threat to peace and stability, and ultimately to the durability of the Agreement.

“Three times Alliance has voted against the Programme for Government because it failed completely to address the question of community relations. Equally unacceptably the Executive failed to produce the Harbinson Report because its recommendations did not agree with their thinking! The First/Deputy First Ministers’ record in the area of community relations is not poor, it is non-existent!

“Any proper community relations strategy must be extensive and radical. It must go to the very core of how we live, work and play as a society. This paper addresses all aspects of the problem. It must be seriously considered, even by those trying to bury the whole issue permanently.”