15 October 1998

Alliance backs Lords reform

Alliance Youth Affairs Spokesperson, Michael Long, has indicated his support for the debate on reforming the House of Lords during which the Governmemt has decided to abolish hereditary peerages.

Mr Long welcomed this decision saying:

"It is high time that this institution was overhauled so that the second chamber at Westminister is more representative of the general public. This decision to abolish hereditary peerages is a step in the right direction as this group is totally unrepresentative of the public at large. Apparently 45% of them were educated at Eton whilst both women and young people are hugely under represented.

"The Alliance Party believe that abolition of hereditary peerages should be followed to further reform so that the second chamber is more inclusive, so better fulfilling its function as a check on the government.

"It is time that those from all social classes and both genders were represented more fully, and as youth affairs spokesperson I feel that it is vital that all age groups are more equally represented through the appointment of more younger members. This will mean that the views of young people can be better heard and so more effectively represented."