12 May 1998

Bell praises women's conference

Attempts made by the National Women’s Commission to get more women into politics have been welcomed by the Alliance Party Chairperson and North Down Councillor Eileen Bell who was speaking at the Commissions Conference last weekend.

Cllr Bell said:

“It was important for the women of Northern Ireland to work together.

“I think that last weekends Conference was a good occasion and very informative to all women who want to become involved in a wide range of activities.

“It shows that women from a wide range of political parties have a networking system that can help them in the world of politics.

“Organisers of the Conference have to be commended for their efforts in bringing women together. Women have an active role to play in politics and I think people are beginning to realise this.

“Women who have been in representative Politics for many years appreciate the deficiencies in our Political System but would still say that we do better by participation in the Political Arena than standing outside complaining. We must adopt a strategy for change and improvement that it will include both male and female politicians so that the old bugbears of competition and distrust are less likely to hinder that improvement.

“If this Assembly is going to work effectively for all the people of Northern Ireland it is essential that it will be made up in clear terms of representation and diversity. We must work together in the common aim of a better Northern Ireland for everyone not just on our own personal agenda.”

The Alliance Party Chairperson has described last weekends Women’s Commission Conference as a “great boost”.