03 March 1997

DOE cuts slammed

The Alliance Party in North Belfast has hit out at what it has claimed as cut backs in the Department of the Environment Budget for North Belfast.

Tom Campbell, who is the Party’s Chairman in the area and a former Councillor, said:

 “I have raised a number of issues with he Road Service and I believe that the response reflects cut backs in spending in this area. For example I have raised the issue of resurfacing in Hopefield Avenue and I have also sought new street lighting in the Upper Cavehill area. In both cases the Department has indicated that it is not prepared to spend the money required to give these areas a satisfactory service. For example, in the Upper Cavehill area the street lighting is poor and this represents danger to pedestrians at night.”

Mr Campbell concluded:

 “I note that Cecil Walker has remerged form hiding to issue a statement condemning education cuts part of the problem with expenditure from the public purse is that the Government have made it clear that the £80 million damage to the economy as a result of the Drumcree stand off will have to come out of existing budgets. It is of some significance that the Unionist Leader David Trimble is planning further activity at Drumcree this summer, the consequences of which could result in further damage to the economy, to community relations and to the services we expect from government.”